Tuesday, 11 November 2014

A FULL Homecoming Weekend (Super Delayed)

Picture credits to the unknown kind person who took this picture while I was below the lasers...

 Happy 150th Birthday Cornell! 

As a member of the Big Red Marching Band we're invited to play at the Homecoming Fireworks/Laser Show annually - which also meant that as performers we didn't get to sit on the rows to see the 3D effects of the lasers. It's a different experience down there but we still got an awesome view of the fireworks (technically below the first row!). 

BRMB prepares to enter the field

view from the stage (only time besides commencement are there so many people)

The following Saturday Cathleen (the roommate) and I got invited to our good friend Magic's (yes his english name is Magic...) birthday brunch at Hai Hong (best dim sum in Ithaca? I think so).  This is one interesting person with a lot of "sisters" who drove 5 hours here to bring him cakes and foods from his hometown. 


The non-traditional Chinese-Ithaca dim sum brunch with take-outs from NYC
Every birthday I've been to or celebrated with at Cornell so far has been pretty grand - surprise parties, lavish presents, the best cakes (see post for Cathleen's birthday later on). I guess this is part of the "why cornell" experience- people can make you feel at home even though you're far away from home.
After brunch we quickly ran to the Homecoming Weekend Tailgate for more free food from the School of Hotel Administration, Johnson School of Management. Even CALS gave out grapes from Cornell's own vineyard! (Best part of homecoming weekend? I think so) 

and so we took advantage of the assortments of photo booths....

Sunday - Taste of China! 

As one of the top ten schools for fine dining, food-related events are also an almost-everyday thing at Cornell. Events such as Taste of Singapore, India, Thailand, Vietnamese (Phõ nights anyone?) flourish here. I've volunteered with MCSA for this year's Taste of China - a themed event with Chinese food from different parts of China. This year's theme consists of main dishes from the South and Northern China along with egg tarts and red bean sesame balls as desserts (random, but probably the most neutral of all the dishes present that night).

rolling out the flakey crust dough :)

frying sesame balls - adorable but...

egg tart -success!

the crowds at WSH

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